

Burning down the beach I

Burning down the beach II

L´ille Rousse is a village in the North of Corsica with very long beautiful beaches filled up with tourists in the high season. But something else attracts my attention, a burned down beach restaurant. When I ask locals what happened I hear words like, mafia, drugs, concurrence between the restaurants. I find the clash between beach and burn visually so interesting, that I decide to work with it. But I didn´t expect, that I would get the attention of mathing tourists with this decision. When I reinstall the scene with these two women pumping up an air matress infront of the "crime scene" people start screaming at me, telling me how tasteless it is to take photos this infront of that drama. The next day, the city cleared everything up and I am happy that I conserved this storytelling clash in one picture.

1 comment:

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